Feldenkrais Method
& Alexander Technique


The Heart of Movement 2 - The beat within your body

Much of the narrative about ‘the heart’ is couched in terms of good versus bad. Following you heart to do what you love as opposed to following your head. I think that avoiding negative experience is often at the heart (sic) of our disconnection from life.

Life is complicated. There are so many rhythms and forces to negotiate. Sometimes it can feel rather lonely when we lose our flow.

I think it’s rather useful to pause and consider those contradictory rhythms in life. Perhaps they are giving us something of great beauty that can only seen at a greater scale.

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The Heart of Movement 3 - The heart/lung connection

This lesson looks at the heart lung connection. The rhythmic flow of breath and the pulse of our blood are two involuntary cycles whose moment to moment quality reflects the deepest states of our heart and mind.

They are also responsive to conscious attention and as a result are a brilliant vehicle for riding the state of appreciative calm.

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The Heart of Movement 4 - The senses of the heart

This lesson explores the heart brain connection and it’s a pretty amazing.

The heart has its own little nervous system that enables it to carry out some functions independently of our brain but it’s the interaction between all the systems of our body that produces the flow and variability of our heart rate.

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The Heart of Movement 5 - Heart's living castle

This lesson cosiders the home of the heart. The extent and qualities of the head, neck and torso and the tubular organisation of the whole body. We’ll also be exploring the web of support for the cardio vascular system and indeed for the entire body - Our fascia or connective tissue.

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The Heart of Movement 6 - The hands of heaven and earth

This is a new version lesson I created about 10 years ago called ‘The hands of heaven and earth’. It explores the relationship between the occiput and sacrum and the hands and feet.

There is a certain relationship between being and doing here .. and a question of where a concepts such as heaven and earth begin and end ..

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The Heart of Movement 7 - The dragon breathes tonight

This advanced lesson explores the relationship between our extraordinary tongue & heart. We consider the space of the airway & our capacity to sense our environment with our tongue & nose. What is the extent of the home of smell & taste? How does it relate to the house of breath & blood & our centre? In traditional Chinese medicine the heart is related to fire & its orifice is the tongue. You may even discover an inner dragon!

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The heart of Movement 8 - A tale of two middles

This lesson explores our knees, elbows and heart from a new perspective. The knees and elbows are the centre of their limbs and the base of the chest, where we find the diaphragm and heart, is the centre of our head, neck and torso. How do these middles relate to the actual centre of our body in the pelvis?

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The Heart of Movement 9 - Elbows, knees & torso

How do we move out into the world?

Does it require an ability to control ourselves or does that control arise from interactions with our environment?

Initially we interact with gravity, sensation and sound. Hearing functions in the womb. Clear vision isn’t really there until about 8 weeks.

Our curiosity draws us ever on.

Initially we have a problem that we don’t even consider a problem. We have to lift our head. It’s massive compared to the rest of our body. To do that we marshall the resources of our whole torso. We learn that by rolling.

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The Heart of Movement 10 - The channel of heavenly earth

This last of the Heart of Movement lesson series will probably free your ribcage quite a bit. You’ll be exploring the idea of your heart as a funnel between ‘heaven’ & ‘earth’.

The ‘pelvis’ uses the rest of your body to sense the ground & move within the force of gravity. It smells & tastes both the earth & the ground of being.

The ‘head’ uses the rest of your body to sense & move through the source of gravity. It sees, hears, feels & organises your orientation in space & the field of gravity.

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The Art of Writing 10 - The story of where you are

Through touch we understand & through action we expand our horizons. The practice of writing is an interesting way to reflect on our experience. Thought and feeling are so fleeting. To commit them to paper is to bring them into a form of existence. Who knows what is possible for each of us if we all work together? If we listen to our world with all of our senses .. and converse with our whole being ..

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The Art of Writing 9 - Freeing the head, neck and shoulders

Where do ideas come from?

What is it that allows us to realise that we could do something we had never considered but know it’s exactly what we’ve been looking for? Is it a random accident? or is it already there as a possibility somewhere within our structure?

The tendency is to think of structure as that place bordered by our skin but what if we considered our environment as part of our structure?

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The Art of Writing 8 - Lengthening the hamstrings

How do we approach the more challenging experiences of our body?

Those parts of ourselves that seem too troublesome to bother with. It’s so easy to ignore them. The tight shoulders! The restricted neck! The sore hip or tight hamstrings!

It’s a challenge in all movement systems - When we practice we like to do the things that feel nice and avoid the things that take more effort. If we consider what we need and spend a little time each session doing that it makes an enormous difference.

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The Art of Writing 7 - An arm you'd love to stand on

I’ve been considering the way everything falls whilst doing things.

It’s one thing to consider the weight of our feet, head and hands when lying on the floor but quite another to think of it whilst engaged in an action. Feldenkrais spoke of ‘Acture’ - the posture related to a particular action - such as the way we stand at a kitchen bench to peel vegetables. It’s a great term that highlights the fact that we are never static and that posture is more movement than position.

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The Art of Writing 6 - In every moment we are falling

Gravity is a magnetic force pulling us toward the centre of our mass - toward the centre of the earth. We are a part of the earth’s mass. That means we’re contributors to the force of gravity. As you read this now you are being drawn down to the centre of the earth. In every moment we are falling. To surrender to that falling is to move with the flow of life ..

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The Art of Writing 5 - Sensing your length and depth

Our feet are like ears, capable of the most spine tingling sensitivity. They are connected by bone and the resonant inner spaces of our body to our inner ears.

We are a miracle of interconnected segments entwined and enclosed yet open to the vast spaces of existence dancing within the shape of gravity’s force.

Our feet, on the earth, are a voice of our presence.

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The art of Writing 4 - The hands express your width & depth

The width, depth and volume of our body is the space of life. There is something wonderful about the shape of our sides. Orientation through the our ears .. The expression of width through our hands .. and the movement of breath ..

You can be on your front or your back and still be on your side .. or you could be in the middle. But where do you experience the middle of your side?

Is it an area? or is does it extend in a line through your body?

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The Art of Writing 3 - Getting a Grip

You may have been wondering why the writing exercises I have suggested use a pen when everyone nowadays writes with a keyboard. The reason has a lot to do with one of the themes of this lesson - getting a grip with your absolutely amazing, opposable fingers and thumbs. This lesson considers what it is to touch .. both to listen and to express ..

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The Art of Writing 2 - Your body in the width of your hands

The lesson this post refers to considers the mechanics of how we hold things .. particularly ourselves.

We hold and are held by many things be they physical objects, people or ideas.

What is it like to hold things? and what would it feel like to be held by you? ..

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The Art of Writing 1 - The fingers, the forearms and hands

The series of lessons the title refers to explore writing but It’s not just about organising your thoughts into written form.

It’s more concerned with the process of creation whether you’re using a pen, a camera, a musical instrument or a shovel. We explore the use of the arms and hands and the way the things we do influence the shape and quality of life.

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