Feldenkrais Method
& Alexander Technique

online group classes


Online Group Classes

Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement

Scroll down to book either Tuesday, Thursday or both classes by clicking on one of the price point buttons below.

Tuesday 7.30pm Eastern Standard Time Australia
8.30am London, 9.30am Paris to Rome, 10.30am Cape Town, Cairo & Athens, 11.30am Istanbul, 1.30 pm Mumbai, 4.30pm Beijing, Perth & Taipei, 5.30pm Tokyo, 6.30pm Brisbane, 9.30pm New Zealand

Thursday 10.30am Eastern Standard Time Australia 7.30am Taipei, Perth & Beijing, 8.30am Tokyo, 11.30am New Zealand, 1.30pm Cairo, 4.30pm Wednesday Los Angeles & Vancouver, 5.30pm Wednesday Mexico City, 6.30pm New Orleans & Bogota, 7.30pm Wednesday New York, Toronto & Montreal, 8.30pm Buenos Aries & Sao Paulo


Pricing for the online group classes are $20AUS or $10AUS concession. The class includes a video replay link that will be emailed after the class. (Contact me if you are unable to afford the tuition fee but would still like to attend)

Booking the lesson will generate a zoom meeting and a meeting link will be sent to you by email. Just click on the highlighted link at the appointed time and the meeting will open. If you don’t have the free zoom app on your computer or device go to zoom.us to download it before the session begins.

If you book the six lesson button you still need to book in each week. You use the single lesson button and you’ll find the coupon in the payment window with the number of coupons you have left next to it. (Strange system, I know!) They do it this way as each week that you book in generated the zoom link.

You’ll need your computer or device set up so that I could (if necessary) see you standing, sitting and walking. You’ll also need enough space to lie on the floor for a movement exploration. Have a comfortable mat and make sure you are warm enough. 

If you have questions about the process contact me davidhall@bodylogic.net.au