Feldenkrais Method
& Alexander Technique

The Sphenoid Floats

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The Art of Writing 1 - The fingers, forearms and hands

This lesson explores the width of the horizontal spaces of your hands - the layered joints from wrist to finger tip along with the capacity to sense the orientation & movement of your whole body within them. The ability to move all your fingers evenly through each of the joints allows you to funnel the strength & sensitivity of your whole body into the use your hands and arms.

The Art of Writing 2 -
Your body in the width of your hands

This lesson explores the width of the horizontal spaces of your hands - the layered joints from wrist to finger tip along with the capacity to sense the orientation & movement of your whole body within them. The ability to move all your fingers evenly through each of the joints allows you to funnel the strength & sensitivity of your whole body into the use your hands and arms.