Feldenkrais Method
& Alexander Technique


The Walk on Walking


The Walk on Walking is a workshop on walking set within a journey through the MacDonnell ranges of Central Australia. The Larapinta Trail that winds it’s way through these ranges has been classified as one of the world’s greatest walks.

This is an opportunity to explore the poetry and mechanics of movement in an elemental landscape.

The journey is supported by Trek Larapinta who set up our camp, cook all our meals and guide us safely through the mountains. It's very comfortable. All you need to carry is water and your lunch. Trek Larapinta have fantastic guides, a great love of the region and perhaps more importantly for you, a love of good food.

They also have a beautiful base camp in the foothills of Ormiston Creek. The riverbed there is absolutely ideal for doing Awareness Through Movement ®. 

It's so satisfying to be tuned into your somatic experience when walking in a place like this.

The night sky out there is incredible. It will probably be the most spectacular canopy of stars you have ever seen. It is so nice to sleep under that celestial blanket..

The walks on this trip are classified as medium grade. It is a walk in nature rather than through it, so we take our time. We have time to connect, time to slow down and time to track changes in the experience of your body.

This is indeed a trip that can make a real difference.

PS Did you know that the MacDonnell Ranges used to be as high as the Himalayas? The Himalayas are only 50 million years old. The MacDonnell Ranges exploded into being 350 million years ago. The Chewings Range they nestle into is over one and a half billion years old! That's prior to complex life on earth! There are places on this trip with rocks still bearing the fossilised imprint of an inland sea's shoreline.

The whole area has been worn down to stillness. It is an absolutely remarkable geological ruin inhabited by the oldest continually living civilisation on earth .. and for them .. or perhaps even you .. the whole area is animated by ancestral beings that lie sleeping beneath it's surface.

Email me if you are interested in this workshop or if you have any questions.